Snag Your FREE Copy Before The Timer Runs Out & Get The 2022 Summit Audio Recordings As An Added Bonus!
At GLM, one of our core values is LEAD WITH VALUE.
That's why, as our gift to the profession, we had every word of every session of our 2023 Summit in Orlando transcribed and professionally edited so that lawyers everywhere can download, print, highlight, underline, and share with their teams. The secrets contained within these notes are worth their weight in law practice gold... and they are our gift to you for a limited time.
At GLM, one of our core values is LEAD WITH VALUE.
That's why, as our gift to the profession, we had every word of every session of our 2023 Summit in Orlando transcribed and professionally edited so that lawyers everywhere can download, print, highlight, underline, and share with their teams. The secrets contained within these notes are worth their weight in law practice gold... and they are our gift to you for a limited time.
Dear fellow law firm owner,
Back in October, we held the GLM Summit 2023... an event that law firm owners paid many thousands of dollars and a week of their time to attend.
In their words, what we shared "blew them away"... and what they shared (openly) blew us away.
There is no doubt in my mind, the people who attended will take their learnings back and will become the benchmark law firms that everyone else strives to be like.
They'll grow firms where they only take their ideal and best cases and are backed by teams who work at an amazingly high caliber so that the law firm owners can step back and live their best lives.
No, I'm not pulling your chain here... they really will be the leaders in their respective niche and geography - growing at an unprecedented rate without breaking a sweat.
How can I be so sure? Because we've seen it happen every year after each Summit we hold... and this last year's was - by FAR - the best year yet.
We never intended to give these notes out... nevermind give them away for FREE! In fact, when we first thought of the idea we debated pricing the notes at somewhere between $97 and $297.
The value that the law firm owners who attended received at the Summit was IMMENSE, and a large part of that value was because they were there in person.
But we didn't want others who missed out on the event to miss out on the game-changing information that was shared behind the closed doors of the Wyndham Grand Orlando Resort.
So, for a limited time only, we're releasing the notes so that you can get a sneak peek behind the curtain where real $7+ figure law firm owners freely shared their secrets to success.
Don't delay. Grab your copy of the free notes today before the timer runs out!
Get The Behind-The-Scenes Secrets Of $7+ Figure Firm Owners Who Shared Freely At The Summit
"...GLM does sh&$ different. Their message is not one of how to be a better lawyer but how to be the architect of your own destiny as a law firm owner.
...Conversations were real and deep. Talking honestly about what is working and what is not working in their businesses. Helping other people and sharing of resources and great relationships that have helped along the way, and helping others avoid costly mistakes based on experience.
If you’re a lawyer looking for a great room that is focused on the business of law and you’re not sure where to start, give them a serious look.
They deliver.
Pick the right rooms, and the sky’s the limit."
Thomas Tona,
I had no idea what the hell I was doing
I was a really good lawyer. I was confident that I could provide great representation, a solid client experience, and get great results.
But when it came to running a business - I didn’t have a clue. I had never stepped foot in a business class, a marketing class, or really any class that would have provided any insight into how to run a business.
But there I was - a law firm owner. I figured it out well enough for a bit. Then one of my best friends introduced me to Great Legal Marketing, LLC and it blew my mind.
Four years later, I had the privilege to sit onstage withTim Semelroth, Adam Rossen, and Steven T. Goldstein, all of whom I greatly admire to discuss lessons learned, tips for attending this conference for the first time, and things we wish we would have done sooner.
At one point, I looked across the crowd, then down and saw the picture below on the confidence monitor. I had a “how on earth did I end up on this stage moment.”
It is amazing what you can accomplish when you surround yourself with a bunch of really smart and driven people who push you, call you out on your B.S., hold you accountable, and root for you to succeed beyond your wildest dreams.
If you need someone like that - reach out.
Scott Snellings,
Snellings Law
Extremely grateful to have gotten the opportunity to attend this years GLM’s Summit alongside Leticia Alves in Orlando, FL.
It was pretty incredible to see that we were the only 2 Latin young females there.
We purposely sat at different tables every day and connected with so many who were happy to share what they are doing in terms of marketing, law and development.
Every day, it felt as thought we were breaking down a another barrier for women in the legal and marketing business. That is how you generate more opportunities for other aspiring females in the legal field.
I look forward to sharing what I learned with the team I work with and the rest of my legal colleagues in Atlanta!!
Victoria Zelaya
The Champion Firm
My social media feeds are filled with posts from all the other attendees of the Great Legal Marketing, LLC annual summit.
...As I reviewed my notes yesterday afternoon, I began to realize that each year at the summit, the technology may change, the tactics may be updated, but the core principles stay the same. Comparing my notes this weekend to my notes from 2018 reminded me how important the evergreen principles are.
Admittedly, I've been distracted by many shiny objects over the 12 years I've run my business (vanity URLs? That was really a thing once...), but when you sort through all of them, the underlying principles of a great law firm remain the same.
The other constant? Charley Mann~ I ran into him when I was walking up the stairs and there he is with a big smile from ear-to-ear (and he's always taller in person than I remember him for some reason) and his infectious laugh ringing around the hotel lobby.
So a big thanks to Ben, Brian Glass and all the folks at GLM who make the annual summit the best conference I attend each year (and a tip of the hat to my jedi master Kellam T. Parks who many years ago told me it's not worth it to join GLM if you don't also attend the annual summit - a golden piece of advice from one of the folks I always seek out when I'm at the summit each year).
There are 78 days until 2024 and there's a lot to get done...
Andrew Ayers
Andrew M. Ayers, P.C.
Don't miss the notes from the opening presentation of the year in legal marketing as Ben, Brian, and Chad revealed what they've learned about what the "BigLaw" firms are doing from marketing, to hiring, and everything in between.
Pull out your highlighter and color away as they peel back the layers on what the solo and small firm lawyers in the consumer facing market can do to keep up with these 800-pound gorillas who are insanely good at what they do (contrary to popular opinion).
Next, law firm culture expert Bill Biggs got the group excited about the biggest advantage that the solo and small firm lawyers have over the big firms - building a team where people will thrive.
Bill is an expert organizational leadership consultant not only to giant law firms across America but his client list includes Heisman Trophy winners, NBA champions, and Olympians. These are "can't miss" notes for any law firm owner.
Next, Jay Berkowitz, best selling author and international keynote speaker, and award winning thought leader with over 25 years of marketing experience was the first and several speakers to take on the challenging tasks of keeping up with the big guys in terms of digital marketing.
Jay took the group step by step through how to stand out and attract the best clients using content, video, design, social media, and other tools to make your law firm website a profit center for you.
Next, Brian Glass broke down the biggest "levers" that owners of solo and small law firms can use to make the most effective use of their next dollar and their next hour.
Brian has led the team at Ben Glass Law to quadrupling their revenue as the integrator at the law firm. Needless to say, he understands the level of work that is necessary (and what is a total waste of time).
Closing out the day was a panel of great legal marking members sharing insider tips of some of their own highest level levers that they have taken from the Great Legal Marketing System and employed in their practices.
This can't-miss session has been an attendee favorite since we first started doing it. Members who have been successful implementing GLM's teachings share exactly what they've done AND the results that it delivered for them!
We pulled back the curtains and held nothing back in showing EXACTLY how the GLM framework can exponentially grow your firm in ways that you never thought possible.
Marketing a solo and small practice law firm is formulaic, and GLM has the secret formula that we share in only two places - at the GLM Summit and in our GLM Membership.
From search marketing, to referrals, to advertising, to podcasting, and even to direct mail, we broke down what works for solo and small firm law practices so that every dollar you spend on marketing has an exponential return.
Take your referrals to the next level with law firm growth coach, Charlie Mann, who walked the group step-by-step through his Referral Roadmap framework that has been proven to add over $500k to the firms that implement it.
Stop fretting about AI and learn how to embrace it so that you can position your firm on the leading edge of how law firms will operate in the future.
From becoming a better lawyer, to running a more efficient firm, and nearly everything in between, AI should be the tool that that enhances everything you do. Dr. Elliott will share with you exactly how you can start leveraging the power of AI in your firm today!
Great Legal Marketing creates great, busy, law firms. It's a beautiful thing... but only if you know how to manage the business in a way that allows it to scale without taking up all of your time.
Listen in as law firm owners who are just like you share the best practices they learned for managing the law firm after the GLM strategies and tactics made their firm busier than they alone could handle.
Get The Behind-The-Scenes Secrets Of $7+ Figure Firm Owners Who Shared Freely At The Summit
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